A) 100% Loan Application
  1. Clear copy of I.C & Driving License
  2. 3 Months of Payslips
  3. 3 Months of Bank Statements
  4. EPF Statements
B) 0% Downpayment - Graduated Package & Government Servant/GLC
  1. Clear copy of I.C & Driving License
  2. 3 Months of Payslips
  3. 3 Months of Bank Statements
  4. Certificate of Diploma/Degree (Graduated Package Only)
  5. Working Offer Letter (Graduated Package Only) 
  1. Clear copy of I.C & Driving License
  2. Form 9 / 13 (SSM Certs.)
  3. 3 Months of Bank Statements 
  1. Clear copy of I.C & Driving License of Director
  2. 3 Months of Bank Statements
  3. Form 9 / 13
  4. Form 24, Form 44, Form 49
  5. MNA
  6. Both of Director Resolution
  7. Original Secretary True Copy